Contact Us

Contact the Sign Shop for a FREE Quote

More Info

We look forward to learning more about your business and your latest project.

Address:  2042 NW Birdsdale Ave., Gresham, OR 97030

Phone: 503.674.7764

Business Hours: 10a-5p Weekdays

Direct E-mail:

The Sign Shop knows that marketing your business can be stressful.  Reach out and learn all the ways that we can help to make your business shine and reduce your marketing stressors.  Our commitment to excellence and a higher level of customer service has enabled us to build lengthy relationships with companies.  For instance realty and property management companies depend upon the Sign Shop to provide signs with eye-catching graphic designs to help drive traffic.

Whether you are in need of a full color vehicle wrap or a simply magnetic sign, you receive the same attention to detail and dedication to doing it right the first time.  You only get one chance to make a first impression to your clients, make it count with powerful professional graphic design.

By using only the right materials your job we produce consistently quality products.  Getting you the  most bang for your buck is our priority.

Before opening the Sign Shop I started working in the industry over 30 years ago.  My family owned and operated a Sign Shop, using vinyl plotters when the industry was in its infancy.  Being on the cutting edge of the industry with new and innovative techniques and products to help market your business continues today with my own Sign Shop.  In 2004, we began our business in Gresham and grew from operating out of our home to our current location at 2042 NW Birdsdale Avenue in Gresham.  We would love to help promote your business, club, or event.